Shield and Heraldry
The Shield
The shield of Sanlúcar appears composed of both Christians and pagan elements. First a winged ox, which since ancient times represented the original emblem alone is observed. Currently, the ox appears lying on a golden Gospels with an inkwell and a pen, these symbols representing the evangelist Luke, patron of the city. The gospels floating on blue waves and silver sea. After this all a donjonada tower and on it a gold star on a blue field, the elements that were incorporated in the eighteenth century and allude to the primitive temple Lucero, which was caused by the first settlements of the town meeting. The shield surrounding a border on which is written the legend in Latin "Senatus Luciferi Fanum" in reference to that sacred place. The word comes from an Arabic Barrameda (Bab-RHA-mda) word, meaning, or Earth Door quicksand which refers to a cross bar in the river made it difficult navigation. That is why this city is called Sanlúcar de Barrameda.
Flag of Sanlucar de Barrameda is newly created, approving the final design in 1997. The three colors on the flag are: crimson, azure and yellow gold. The crimson color was chosen for its repeated use in the banners and flags of the military corps of the city, according to the agreements of the Cabildo collected in the Books of Acts Chapter. In addition, all of the banner is the current City Hall. The azure, forming waves, represents the river Guadalquivir. The choice of yellow gold responds to the suggestions made by citizens who felt incorporate this color alludes to one of the most famous products of Sanlúcar, Manzanilla, our local wine. The colors are arranged so that the upper half is completed with crimson and bottom with yellow. The blue color is arranged in the lower half forming two waves. In the center of Sanlucar rejoins the shield.