Other Organs


Bodies study, report or query

informative commissions.

They are organs whose function study, report or query issues that must be submitted to the decision of the plenary. They can track the management of the Mayor, the Local Government Councilors and Delegates, without prejudice to the powers of control of Parliament. They have no adjudicative functions and its opinions are not binding.

They are constituted by the plenary and are composed exclusively of members of the Corporation. They should reproduce, as far as possible, the political composition of Parliament.

They can be permanent and special. The first are those that are generally, including distributing materials to be submitted to the plenary. The number and designation is decided by the Plenum, trying, wherever possible, to correspond with the major areas in which the City Council structure. They should hold regular meetings with the periodicity agreed plenary. They are called by the Mayor, who can also convene extraordinary and urgent sessions.

Special Commissions are aimed at the study, report or query a particular case. Is automatically extinguished when has advised or informed on the subject, unless the whole agreement that established otherwise.