


The City Council of Sanlucar de Barrameda, implanted on the beach of the Road - Las Piletas Integrated Management System according to the UNE 187001 Beaches. Requirements for the service and ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems. Requirements in order to achieve the satisfaction of all those who visit this beach town, providing it with quality services.

The City Council of Sanlucar de Barrameda with the implementation of an Integrated Management System wants to offer its visitors a protected ecosystem and a high natural value and quality services in line with the requirements of those standards.

The City Council is committed, within its capabilities, to establish the technical and economic means to curb pollution and prevent the origin and prevent and eliminate as far as possible any impact that may be caused on the environment as a result of Your activities. Guarantees, in turn, keep track of all activities carried out on the coast, establishing mechanisms for continuous improvement, in cooperation with all sectors of the municipality, ensuring evolution, both environmental quality and services provided.

In the development of all activities carried out in the Playa de la Calzada - Las Piletas, the City Council is committed to establishing initiatives that will ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the activities taking place on the beach and promote the participation of all staff and users in the coastal protection and improvement through training and awareness mechanisms, focusing on communication at all levels.

The City Council define and periodically evaluate quality objectives and environmental Beach Causeway - Las Piletas in order to drive continuous improvement in it.

The coast is a common good, which is why the City Council want to involve all the users and all those who carry out their activities in them, this project, promoting their collaboration and seeking satisafacción all people who in one way or another, enjoy the beach de la Calzada - Las Piletas.

In this line of environmental protection and quality, the principles that will govern onwards, managing Beach Causeway - Las Piletas, are:

  • The identification and assessment of environmental impacts arising from the management of the beaches, to reduce or eliminate as far as possible in order to prevent environmental pollution and thus achieve continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System.
  • The cumplimietno of legislation and regulations in force applicable to the integrated management of the beach la Calzada - Las Piletas, and the quality of its waters and the service provided to users.
  • Set objectives and provide the necessary resources that will be reviewed and updated periodically by the delegate of Beaches, to ensure continuous improvement of its environmental performance and pollution prevention.
  • Search saving natural resources through the pursuit of quality in the processes performed by minimizing the use of these resources using methods of eco-efficiency.
  • Conducting continuous training plans and environmental education, with the aim of raising awareness, both employees and the users of the beaches in protecting the coastal environment.
  • Spare no effort to meet the needs and expectations of users of our beaches that allow continually increase your satisfaction.
  • And ultimately, adopt the commitment to continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System.

This policy applies to all activities, products and services of the Playa de la Calzada - Las Piletas in normal, abnormal operation and in emergency situations.